Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tips for Memory Improvement Using Essential Oils of Aromatherapy

The Essential Oils of Aromatherapy can assist in developing and maintaining a good memory. Although it is convenient to use these essential oils at home they can also be used at work; in the office for instance, to assist in cultivating a better memory. At home this will facilitate undertaking tasks such as looking after the children, whilst at work; a good memory is essential to the multitasking that is frequently expected, especially for those who have promotion in mind.

Your memory is a vital function that needs to be cared for as a valuable asset. Your short term memory assists with the myriad of routine tasks that you almost take for granted, whereas your long term memory stores information which may not be used as frequently, but is there when you want it. Without these memory attributes you would not be the efficient operator your boss expects you to be. After all he is the one who pays the wages, and influences promotions!

Using Essential Oils of Aromatherapy at home can assist you to relax after the stresses of the working day. They also help in promoting the healing benefits of a good night's sleep, which will help you to wake up refreshed and ready to enjoy the next working day.

Rosemary and Sage essential oils will help you to relax and facilitate a receptive memory. Furthermore, they will help you sleep soundly which promotes long and short term memory development. Whether your requirements are to have better memory at home, or at work, these essential oils will assist and you will be pleased with the advantages of aromatherapy.


Rosemary is a stimulating essential oil that helps you to focus the mind and maintain persistent attention for better information retrieval. Burning Rosemary at home or work can revitalize tired muscles, and help soothe the stresses of a hard day's work. This stimulates the ability to think clearly. The most popular way that the oils are administered, at least in the USA, is using an Aromatherapy Massage. Use chosen blends or a single oil with the right choice of carrier.

Rosemary and Sage

It has been reported that Psychologists at the University of Northumbria tested essential oils from Rosemary on memory attention and mood and discovered it made volunteers feel more alert and improved their long-term memory by around 15 per cent.

Essential oils made from Rosemary and Sage can stimulate the memory, strengthen clarity and awareness, and offset mental fatigue.Other studies have established that volunteers' ability to remember lists of words improved after they had taken a capsule of sage oil.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ayurvedic Healing: The Healing Power of Eucalyptus Oil

Ayurveda is the world's oldest system of medicine and healing, dating back some 5000 years, yet it's principles continue to be valid and applicable in our modern world, to create holistic and natural healing.

In Ayurveda, essential oils are blended for their therapeutic properties based on each individuals needs and body type. You are born with your own unique individual constitution, called a 'dosha" in ayurvedic terminology.

We like to use specific oils for each of the three different doshas... Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Eucalyptus oil is especially beneficial to kapha types because it is stimulating, pungent, warming, and helps to clear mucous and moisture from the body, a common imbalance for Kapha types.

Yet, it is also beneficial in small amounts for vata and Pita types.

Here are seven of my favorite uses and recommendations for Eucalyptus oil.

1. For nasal congestion: Place 2-5 drops of eucalyptus oil in a bowl of steaming water. Lean over the bowl and cover your head with a towel, and breathe deeply. Instant relief.

2. Place 10-20 drops in a diffuser or your humidifier in your bedroom or kid's room to reduce congestion and promote clear breathing and a good night's sleep.

3. For a luxurious spa-bath at home add 12 drops of eucalyptus oil to 1/2 cup of dead sea salts and fill tub with hot water. Relax and enjoy!

4. At work or in your home office when you need to think clearly and focus, add 20 drops of oil to a 5 ounce spray bottle and spritz in your work area to clear the air and your head.

5. For chest congestion, add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil to an ounce of sesame or grapeseed oil and rub on your chest. cover with a towel or cloth. Lay down for 30 minutes covered with a blanket.

6. If you are like many kapha types who have a hard time waking up in the morning, place 3-4 drops of essential oil on the shower floor before you get in, for a refreshing, invigorating shower.

7. For tired, stiff, achey muscles add 20 drops of eucalyptus oil to 2 ounces of massage oil or lotion. Apply to affected areas to relieve tension and increase blood flow to the area.

I have used these applications in my home and with our clients in the healing center and have gotten wonderful results.

Our bodies are incredibly intelligent and respond very well when given the opportunity to work with the raw, pure materials that mother nature offers us. In the long run, the body remains healthiest when we work to take advantage of the most natural medicines rather than overloading the liver and tissues with pharmaceutical drugs that contain toxic residues and side effects.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Inhibitory Effect on the Growth of Candida Albicans by Anthemis Nobilis


The purpose of this experiment is to determine is Anthemis nobilis, Roman chamomile, will effect the growth of Candida albicans in the human body, candidiasis.


Candidiasis is a common overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans in the human body. This overgrowth can occur due to a poor diet consisting of refined sugar and processed foods, high stress, and minimal exercise. Yeast is part of the human body's normal micro flora however, if left to overgrow will compete with probiotics needed for proper immune, digestive, and integument functions. Anthemis nobilis, Roman chamomile has antibacterial properties due to its high ester content. My hypothesis is that Roman chamomile will inhibit the growth of C. albicans. I will design an experiment to be performed in a controlled microbiological laboratory, execute the method, and determine if my hypothesis is correct based on results obtained.


Ancient Egyptians were aware of the benefits of chamomile and this herb was used traditionally throughout the Roman Empire. In the book, Peter Rabbit, it is said that he drank the tea of chamomile to soothe himself after he ate too much out of Mr. McGregor's garden. The word chamomile comes from the Greek word, Chamomaela meaning "ground apple". Romans used this flower to flavor incense and beverages. Rome gave its name Roman chamomile due to the plant collector who happened to find some growing in the Roman Coliseum. In the Middle Ages it was used as a "strewing" herb to improve the atmosphere at gatherings and festivals. At these times it was also used as the bittering agent in beer-making.


Also know as English chamomile, Roman chamomile is a perennial with feathery fern-like leaves and daisy-like flowers. It is part of the Asteraceae family and is predominately composed of aliphatic esters. It is native to Western Europe and today is cultivated in England, Belgium, France and Hungary. The flowering tops are used to distill the fine, sweet-smelling essential oil. It prefers cooler climates and not too much direct sunlight. The essential oil is pale-yellow and does not leave a stain on the blotter. Its scent is sweet, tea-like, middle-note, and has a strong herbaceous flavor.

Therapeutic Uses

Roman chamomile is known to be an analgesic, anti convulsant, anti depressant, anti inflammatory, anti neuralgic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiallergenic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, sedative, tonic, and ant parasitic.

The physical benefits of chamomile are: asthma, allergies, headache (migraine), acne and boils, dermatitis, arthritis, inflammations, burn, blisters, wounds, ulcers, broken capillaries, herpes, psoriasis, gastritis, colitis, teething/toothache, PMS, and menopause.

The psycho-emotional benefits of chamomile are: stress, nervous tension, insomnia, anxiety, anger, irritability, fears and worries. The high ester content is associated with its antispasmodic, sedative properties as well as when used topically to reduce inflammation and promote healing.


Chamomile should be avoided during first trimester of pregnancy. One must avoid long-term use with estrogen dependent cancer. Chamomile is gentle enough for young children and is safe to use to help with anxiety, teething, and dermatitis for infants.

Roman chamomile essential oil has been reported to be non-toxic, non-irritant, and non-sensitizing. This herb is not be used if allergies to the Asteraceae family exist.

Candida albicans


Candida albicans is a diploid fungus (a type of yeast). It is part of the normal human mouth, vaginal, and gut flora and is partly responsible for proper digestive function. When C. albicans has a chance to over grow in the body it can be the main cause of numerous host ailments such as oral and/or vaginal thrush, skin disorders including eczema, itching, flaking skin especially on feet and heels, depression, exhaustion, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, a weakened immune system, and many more. To infect host tissue, the usual unicellular yeast-like form of C. albicans reacts to environmental cues and switches into an invasive, multicellular filamentous forms. These cues are most commonly a poor diet, lack of exercise, and high stress in the individual. C. albicans lives in about 80% of the population without harmful effects. It reproduces by budding and is typically 10-12 μm in diameter.


The infection known as candidiasis is due to the overgrowth of C. albicans in the body. This infection can travel through the blood thus causing many symptoms that vary from person to person. If this condition persists, it can cause depression, loss of memory, PMS, fungal infections such as athlete's foot and tinnea. It can also cause food intolerances, which can result in abdominal distension, bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation. There are predisposing risk factors for these conditions such as altered bowel flora, prolonged antibiotic use, low digestive secretions, poor diet, and high stress.

Candida Cleanse

Ways in which to eliminate the over growth of C. albicans in the body is to make sure one has proper digestion. The most important key here is to ensure that waste does not stay long inside the colon. Taking a multivitamin and probiotic supplement are also excellent ways to help support the healthy gut bacteria and keep the growth of C. albicans down. Aromatherapy is a wonderful and non-invasive way to help eliminate the overgrowth of C. albicans in the body. Essential oils with anti microbial properties such as Melaleuca alternifolia, Australian Tea Tree, Lavendula angustifolia, Lavender or Rosmarinus officianlis, Rosemary are all excellent oils to help alleviate yeast. In addition to aromatherapy and supplementation, proper nutrition is vital to help eliminate yeast. Avoid all yeast-containing foods, refined carbohydrates, and dairy products.

Experiment involving the effect on growth of Candida albicans by Anthemis nobilis

Experimental Outline

This experiment was designed to determine what effect, if any, R. chamomile essential oil had on the growth of C. albicans. This experiment took place in a controlled laboratory setting by a qualified Quality Control microbiologist.


1.) Sarboaurd Dextrose Agar (SDA) plated media
2.) C. albicans, ATCC # 10231
3.) Rehydrating fluid 2mL
4.) Calibrated incubator 20-25°C
5.) Micro pipettor and sterile micro pipette tips
6.) Sterile spreader
7.) Anthemis nobilis essential oil
8.) Calibrated incubator 36°C
9.) Digital camera with USB cable


1.) Drop two (2) lyophilized pellet of C. albicans into 2mL hyrdating fluid.
2.) Allow fluid containing pellets to incubate at 36° C for no less than 30 minutes.
3.) Administer 0.1mL using micropipettor and sterile pipette tips of reconstituted C. albicans onto duplicate SDA plates.
4.) Pour 2 drops of R. chamomile essential oil onto both plates.
5.) Spread contents evenly onto both plates using sterile spreader.
6.) Inoculate a third SDA plate with only 0.1mL C. albicans. This will serve as positive control.
7.) Incubate at 20-25°C for 3-5 days.
8.) Examine plates after 3-5 days of incubation and take pictures of growth, if any.


Roman chamomile will inhibit the growth of yeast (C. albicans) in vitro. Chamomile contains high ester content and is found to be a strong anti microbial.


After 5 days of incubation the three (3) plates were examined. The positive control had growth of 58 colony forming units (CFUs). The two (2) plates containing R. chamomile essential oil had no growth. All 3 plates were inoculated with 10-100 CFU of C. albicans. The first 2 plates also contained 2 drops of R. chamomile e.o.


Based on the result of this experiment it is safe to say the R. chamomile essential oil completely inhibits the growth of C. albicans. The plates that were inoculated with both the e.o. and the yeast showed no growth (0 CFU). The positive control plate that contained only the yeast had growth of approximately 58 CFUs.

Based on this experiment I would recommend R. chamomile as an effective treatment of yeast over growth, candidiasis, in the human body. In vitro the e.o. demonstrated powerful antifungal capabilities by completely inhibiting the growth of yeast. Due to its gentleness R. chamomile would make an effective and noninvasive treatment for yeast in the body.

Modern Day Use of Roman Chamomile

As our modern day lifestyles continue to become more hectic and stressful as we try to incorporate too much into schedules and connect less with nature, aromatherapy will become more mainstream once again. Today's use of R. chamomile can range from a tea and used to treat digestive disorders such as gas, bloating, constipation, or as a sleep aid all the way to skin care products such as eye creams to help reduce inflammation, puffiness, dark circles and wrinkles. As essential oils continue to gain in popularity we will see the use of chamomile become more prevalent to help treat anxiety, hypertension, candidiasis, dermatitis, insomnia, worries, fear, and much more.


Chamomile Tea

1 tsp of dried R. chamomile flowers
1 cup of boiling water
tea ball

Add the flowers to tea ball and immerse in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Remove flowers from water and enjoy.

Chamomile Ice Cream

1/3 cup water

1/3 cup sugar

2 teaspoon powdered chamomile flowers

1 cup heavy cream

1 cup light cream

Combine the water and sugar in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring, until the sugar melts, and simmer the syrup for 5 minutes. In a separate bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of the syrup with the powdered chamomile, then add that mixture to the syrup in the saucepan, and stir until evenly mixed. Add the light cream and heavy cream, pour into an ice cream freezer, and freeze according to manufacturer's instructions.

Chamomile -Vanilla Bread

2 eggs, beaten
1 1/3 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups of ground chamomile flowers
2/3 cup melted unsalted butter
2 teaspoons baking soda
Pinch salt
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). In a large bowl, mix together the sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Mix in the chamomile and then the melted butter. Sprinkle baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix in. Add the flour, a third at a time. Sprinkle in the cinnamon and nutmeg and mix.
2 Divide the batter equally between 2 buttered 5 by 9 inch loaf pans. Bake for 1 hour (check for doneness at 50 minutes) or until a wooden pick inserted in to the center comes out clean. Cool in pans for 10 minutes. Turn out onto wire racks to cool thoroughly.
Makes 2 loaves.

Diaper Rash Formula

4 Tbsp. of Sweet Almond Oil
1 Tbsp. of Beeswax
2 Tbsp. of Cocoa Butter
1 Tbsp. of Lanolin
4 drops of Lavender
4 drops of Chamomile
2 drops of Geranium

Over double boiler combine all ingredients except for essential oils. Once beeswax melts entirely remove from heat and stir. Add essential oils and stir. Pour into container and allow to cool. Allow the ointment to settle for one day. Apply to infected area 3 times a day.

**Can add these essential oils to a Calendula gel base to create a wonderful baby eczema gel. Apply over infected areas twice a day. Use only 3d chamomile, 4d lavender, 3d geranium into 1.5oz gel to create a safe 1% dilution.**

Baby Diaper Powder

½ c of dried chamomile flowers
½ c of dried lavender flowers
½ c of dried calendula flowers
4 c of pure cornstarch
4 drops of R. chamomile essential oil

Mix all ingredients together in plastic ziplock bag. Allow mixture to dry for approximately 2-3 days. Once dry pour into container with holes. Apply during each diaper change.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Essential Oils for Anxiety

Anxiety is a common disorder that is often hard to treat. Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their life, some more than others. The condition is triggered by different things depending on the person. Medication is not always the best treatment for anxiety because it can produce some undesirable side effects. So, how else can you treat anxiety? With essential oils, of course! There are several oils that can be used to treat and prevent anxiety, including bergamot, cedarwood and lavender. Better yet, some oils can be combined for optimal effects.

The following essential oils for anxiety are noted for their importance in proper meditation and anxiety reduction. It is recommended to use them together for an all-natural solution to combating anxiety.

• Bergamot Oil has a refreshing and uplifting scent. The aroma has the ability to lift you spiritually and rids your mind of negative thoughts. It keeps your emotional health balanced and can even help you feel focused. Bergamot is also known to be an anti-depressant.

• Cedarwood Oil has a soothing aroma, so it helps reduce stress from your body and mind. It has strong relaxing benefits and can help problems with insomnia.

• Lavender Oil is rejuvenating because of its flowery scent. It has the power to decrease anxiety and release tension from your body.

Now that you know which essential oils for anxiety to use, how exactly do you use them? Follow the instructions below.

1) Drop a few drops of your chosen essential oils into a warm bath while you soak for about 15 minutes. Feel the anxiety disappear!

2) Add a few drops to a carrier oil and use as a massage oil. It's best if the oils are used on you-that is how aromatherapy works best.

3) Dribble a few drops onto a cotton ball, close your eyes and breathe deeply for a few minutes.

4) Place a drop of oils into a hot bowl of water. Stick your head close to the bowl and breathe deeply for a few minutes.

Monday, October 1, 2012

5 Essential Oils for Wrinkles

If you're looking for a pure, all-natural product to restore your young looking skin, essential oils for wrinkles might be right for you. Natural essential oils extracted from plants are often used as ingredients in anti-aging and other skin products. Some oils are more effective in treating wrinkles than others, but trial-and-error is the best way to determine what works for you. A primary advantage of all the oils listed below is that they can deliver nutrients to the skin without clogging pores.

1. Sandalwood Oil softens dry skin and can be used a moisturizer to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also promotes the formation of new skin cells, gives skin a smoother look, and can increase compounds in the body that increase skin thickness and elasticity-all of these properties work together to reduce wrinkles.

2. Myrrh Oil is an antibacterial and antifungal oil that can be used topically or as a massage oil to smooth out wrinkles. Using this oil will repair and prevent further skin damage due to its antioxidant content.

3. Clary Sage Oil is best used to remove fine lines and wrinkles, especially when used in combination with skin moisturizers. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, helps to tighten pores and make the skin more firm.

4. Geranium Oil can be used for almost any skin type, whether you have dry, oily or sensitive skin. It works to increase blood circulation, skin elasticity and retaining moisture in the skin. It can be added to skin moisturizers and toners.

5. Grape Seed Oil has antioxidant properties which help to fight free radicals that cause damage to your skin. They help repair damage to the skin caused by free radicals. It is an extract that is rich in vitamin E, which can slow the aging process of your skin. Vitamin E is one of the antioxidants contained in this oil, which protects that body from free radicals that become more common in the body as you age.

All of these essential oils for wrinkles have their unique properties that will help improve your skin, especially wrinkles! Although wrinkles are part of the natural aging process, they are tough to deal with as everyone will miss their young looking skin. Using essential oils, diluted with a carrier oil, will help reduce them or diminish their appearance while also providing your body with other health benefits.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Essential Oils Starter Kit

If you're new to essential oils and aromatherapy, you can start your home or professional practice slowly; that way you can get used to how to use and blend the oils and begin to use them more frequently for health, therapeutic and household purposes. There are a few different oils that are considered "starter oils" due to their versatility and ease of use. The below oils should definitely be in your essential oils starter kit!

Lavender Oil is said to be the most versatile of all essential oils. It works as an anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, natural sedative and a top antiseptic. It is helpful for several skin conditions and is well-known for its relaxing effects. A few drops of lavender oil can be blended with any carrier oil and used on the skin, in a bath or around the house.

Peppermint Oil is known for its strong, clean, fresh, minty aroma. It is highly regarded for soothing digestive and improving gastric issues. A drop of peppermint oil can be added to your tea or combined with a carrier oil and used on the skin or added to a bath.

Lemon Oil has antiseptic like properties and contains substances that help improve immune system function. It has been said to improve vision and acts as a skin cleanser. Add a drop to a carrier oil and massage onto the face or hands.

Eucalyptus Oil is helpful for sinus problems, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, sore throat and mouth infections. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil to some bath salts and soak a virus way. You can also combine with a carrier oil and massage the bottom of your feet for quick anti-bacterial protection.

Tea Tree Oil has countless healing characteristics, including anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic. It is helpful for the skin, digestive system and several other health issues. Ever have a problem with pimples? A drop of neat tea tree oil applied to a pimple will do amazing wonders!

Rosemary Oil can be used for hair care, as a mouth rinse and as a natural pain reliever. Again, a few drops added to a carrier oil, shampoo or tea is a great way to use this essential oil.

As you can see, there are several very versatile essential oils that have amazing health benefits. All of the ones listed here would be great additions to an essential oils starter kit, but there is a long list of others that are also good for beginners. Don't forget to learn the proper amounts to use and how to dilute them with a carrier oil so you don't irritate your skin.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ways to Utilize Essential Oils - Aromatherapy for Skin and Body

Many people are looking for a natural alternative way to heal the body from illness or from a health condition. Aromatherapy is ideal because it is non invasive and overtime may work to the source of the problem. Essential oils used in aromatherapy are oils that has been extracted from herbs, flowers or tree barks using steam distillation, resulting in pure oils that is highly concentrated. If used correctly, the application of these essential oils can benefit the skin and body. Each has its certain characteristics that can have an effect on a particular condition.

How can we use essential oils? The term "aromatherapy" refers to the use of the vapor of the oils that we inhale. However, there are many uses of these oils to enhance their benefits. Some good method to get the most out of aromatherapy on the body are:


One of the easiest way and the most enjoyable in using essential oils are when you take your baths! Simply add 5-6 drops each of your favorite essential oils to your warm bath water. Good oils to try for relaxation are Lavender, Chamomile, Mandarin, and Bergamot. It is a good idea to add 2-3 different kinds of oils as they will enhance each other's properties.


One of the most widely used method of aromatherapy, massage can benefit the body in two ways, through increasing blood circulation and by inhaling the scents of the oil. By increasing blood circulation, massage can neutralize toxins and release energy trapped in stiff muscles. Inhaling the aroma of the oils can stimulate the senses resulting in relaxation.

The absorption of essential oils through massage is relatively high; therefore, it has to be mixed with a carrier oil which also makes it more spreadable. Ideal carrier oils for massages are light botanical oils such as Sunflower oil, Olive oil, Grapeseed oil or a mixture. Mix 10 drops of essential oil to 30 ml of carrier oil. Ideal oils for massages are Marjoram, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass and Lavender.


Warm or Cold Compress are used to relieve swelling, pain, or to reduce fever. Adding essential oils in these compress will help accelerate healing.

Warm Compress

Add 2-3 drops of essential oil to a large bowl of warm water. Soak a small towel in the water, then wring it out and place it on the problem area of the body. Let it sit for 1-2 hours, occasionally re-soaking the towel. Preferred oils to reduce pain and inflammation are Lavender, Geranium, Clary Sage and Bergamot.

Cold Compress

Add 2-3 drops of essential oils to a large bowl filled with water and 6 ice cubes. Soak a hand towel in the water, wring it out and place it on the sore area. Cold compresses are ideal for burns, blisters or sores on foot, muscle pain and headache. Good oils to try are Sweet Birch, Marjoram, Lavender and Clary Sage.


Used frequently by spas in facials, steaming does wonder for face because it opens up the pores to ease the absorption and clears up impurities. It can be done easily at home as well. Simply fill the wash basin with steaming hot water, and add 2-3 drops of of essential oils. Inhale the vapor for about 5 minutes or so before rinsing it off with warm water. Rose and Palmarosa are good for mature skin, while citrus oils are suitable for oily skin. Chamomile is calming for sensitive skin.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bath Salts Can Be Used to Detox the Body and Mind

Bath salts have been getting such a bad rap these days. When used properly they are in no way supposed to turn you into a face-eating zombie. Magnesium sulfate, a.k.a Epsom salts has powerful medicinal properties for both internal and external. Magnesium sulfate is a naturally occurring compound and is easily absorbed through the skin making it a very strong means of healing. Some of the benefits of soaking in a tub with Epsom salts are as follows:

- Eases muscle tension
- Lessens stress
- Helps to flush out toxins through the skin (our largest organ)
- Relaxes the nervous system
- Lowers blood pressure
- Softens skin
- Deodorizes
- Treat fungus & athlete's foot
- Comforts symptoms of gout
- Helps you sleep
- Helps to alleviate constipation by increasing the amount of water in the intestines.

Tame the Zombie Bath Salt Recipe

1 cup of Epsom salts
¼ cup of baking soda
5 drops of Lavender essential oil
5 drops of Ylang-Ylang essential oil
¼ cup of olive oil

As the bath fills up with very warm water, add the Epsom salts and baking soda. When tub has finished filling and water is turned off add essential oils and olive oil. Soak in tub for up to 30 minutes. You may want to light some candles and listen to Zen radio on Pandora for this. This is also best when done right before bed. Get ready for a very good night's sleep.

Invigorate Yourself Bath Salt Recipe

1 cup of Epsom salts
¼ cup of baking soda
5 drops of Grapefruit essential oil
5 drops of Sweet orange essential oil

Energize Yourself Bath Salt Recipe

1 cup of Epsom salts
¼ cup of baking soda
6 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
4 drops Rosemary essential oil

Follow steps as above however you may want to soak earlier in the day and perhaps listen to Korn radio.

If you are interested in taking Epsom salts orally to help relieve constipation, help increase the effectiveness of insulin when used as a treatment for diabetes, and improve heart health, then take the following dosage:

Make a solution by combining 2 tbsp. of Epsom salt for every quart of room temperate water. Drink up buttercup. You should have a bowel movement in 30 minutes.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Feng Shui Aromatherapy

Feng shui literally means 'wind water' and is a term first coined by Guo Po (276-324 AD) in his book entitled 'Zangshu'... "Qi rides the wind and scatters, but it is retained when encountering water".

Wind corresponds to Wood in the five element model upon which feng shui is based, the other four elements being Water, Fire, Earth, and Metal. It is through a system of correspondences that feng shui practice aims to balance the five elements, and in so doing it achieves it's purpose of delivering health and harmony.

Feng shui aromatherapy is all about enabling the essential balance that leads to well-being and harmony. Essential balance is a state of being that we all experience from time to time, to a greater or lesser extent. We can tell when we are balanced when we feel healthy and happy.

We also know that we can avoid putting our health and happiness in danger by doing the right thing e.g. eating sensibly, exercising moderately, getting enough sleep, getting the work/rest/play/family balance right and having good intentions... but the twists and turns of life often intervene to knock us off balance. Sometimes we can even be our own worst enemies and then have to suffer the consequences!

Maintaining a balanced five element energy state or correcting, by degrees, elemental energy imbalances... these are the aims of feng shui aromatherapy.

The origins of feng shui aromatherapy go back thousands of years, to the times of the three legendary Emperors of China. The first of these Emperors - Fu Shi (c.3322 BC) - defined the secrets of energetic life with the 8 Trigrams. The second - Shen Nung (c.2788 BC) - classified the properties of plants according to yin/yang balance and five element correspondences. The third Emperor - Huang Di (2697-2574 BC) - described the internal energy model that creates, controls and sustains physical form and function.

The combined knowledge given by these three legendary Emperors allows us to firstly, determine anyone's five element essential balance from birth; secondly, categorise essential oils from plants according to their yin/yang and five element properties; and thirdly, create blends of essential oils that enable the balance that leads to well-being and harmony.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Aromatherapy Helps With Healthy Skin - Essential Oils Of The Bible

One cannot have good skin without nutrients that promote health. The skin is an outward measure of health. Essential oils are important to good skin health and overall health of the body. These oils are gifts from God, which should be used in their natural state.

It would behoove any person seeking good health to become familiar with Aromatherapy, which is the use of aromas from essential oils as therapy. Not only is the aroma beneficial, but they can also be applied directly to the skin, when mixed in carrier oils, such as vegetable oils. They should not be used full strength on the skin in most cases. These oils penetrate the skin and are stored directly beneath the skin, to be used in the body as needed. They work both internally and externally.

Many people today are making their own soaps, perfumes and cleaning supplies with oils, thus avoiding all of the manmade by-products that are in many products on the shelves. When mixing essential oil formulas, use small amounts to assure freshness. (For example, a simple formula for healthy skin is 1 ounce of carrier oil such as, grape seed, apricot or avocado oil, mixed with 4 drops of frankincense, 4 drops of myrrh, and 7 drops of lavender, essential oils.)

Bible References Of Essential Oils

    Cedarwood is mentioned in Leviticus 14:4, as well as other places in the book.
    Cinnamon is mentioned the Exodus 30:23 and Proverbs 7:17, as well as other places in the Bible.
    Frankincense is mentioned several times through-out the Bible such as, Exodus 30:24, Leviticus 2:1-2 as well as several places in the book. In Matthew 2:11 it was presented to Jesus as a gift when he was a young child.
    Myrrh was also a gift that was presented to Jesus in Matthew 2:11. Myrrh is mentioned in Genesis 37:25 and 43:11.
    Hyssop is mentioned in Exodus 12:22, Leviticus 14:4, Psalms 51:7, as a purging agent, John 19:29 and Hebrews 9:19, as well as other places in the Bible.
    Juniper is mentioned in Job 30:4
    Myrtle is mentioned in Nehemiah 8:15 and Isaiah 41:19.
    Spikehard is mentioned in the Bible in Song of Solomon 1:12 and 4:13-14, as well as Mark 14:3 and John 12:3, where Mary anointed Jesus with this very expensive gift from her alabaster box.

The essential oils of the Bible have been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, as well as perfumes. Rose oil is one of the most used oils in perfumes today.

These oils and books on how to use them can be purchased from your local health store usually in the bath and body section.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Aromatherapy Massage - The Benefits

Aromatherapy massage tends to be more relaxing than other forms of massage such as Swedish. Longer, slower strokes are used, and the massage is much less vigorous. However this does not mean that Aromatherapy massage is not as beneficial in relaxing the muscles, it is just done in a different way.

When going for an Aromatherapy massage you should discuss with the aromatherapist what you hope to achieve from the therapy, if you have particular health or emotional problems you would like treated make sure your therapist knows this. Once you have told the aromatherapist all of your symptoms they will blend together some essential oils with a carrier oil that they feel will benefit you.

There are many essential oils to choose between, so trust your therapist to pick a blend that will include top, middle and base notes. You should feel able to ask your therapist why they are choosing the particular oils added to the blend, and you should check you like the scent of the blended oils before the massage begins.

Massage therapy has been proven to provide great comfort to those who are suffering emotionally, as touch can create the feeling of warmth and closeness. Add to this an uplifting blend of essential oils and the effects can be quite amazing. This is particularly true for people who suffer from emotional problems, and may find it hard to talk about their feelings.

Aromatherapy massage is also very good for moods, whether it be you are feeling low, angry, emotional, unhappy, stressed or any other emotion, there will be a blend of oils that can be made up to help. The slower pace of the massage also helps out in these circumstances and will be extremely beneficial.

Aromatherapy massage can also be used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and many more. Just ensure your therapist checks the contraindications for the oils used as your skin is likely to be much more sensitive.

A little fact many people aren't aware of is that Aromatherapy massage can assist with weight loss. The massage itself boosts the circulation and encourages lymph drainage, which will help, add to this a special blend of essential oils suited to your individual weight loss needs and it's a winning formula.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Properties of Sandalwood

The Sandalwood tree (Santalum spicatum) grows in the semi arid areas of Western Australia and produces a top quality in demand oil that captures the romance and essence of the outback. These Sandalwood plantations are an example of a growing rural industry that offers ongoing opportunities by encouraging a wide range of innovative sustainable Sandalwood product applications that can be developed. These are native Sandalwood trees that historically are known to have ability to grow well and easily in this region.

Australian Sandalwood has many unique beneficial properties. It has a fragrant, sweet, woody, smoky, earthy scent. It's known qualities include being aphrodisiac, anti depressive, anti fungal anti bacterial, anti microbial, reduction of blood pressure, improving a variety of skin conditions, helping reach a meditative state, creating a calming effect. It can deter many ants and bugs. Research is being undertaken regarding application and beneficial effects on skin cancers.

This article aims to explain why the industry has a healthy future and why there is such a demand for quality Australian Sandalwood products and such good prospects for new applications.

Why West Australian farmers should consider planting Sandalwood.

New Sandalwood plantations are proving to be a wise direction for local farmers and the profitable investment it promises will be of added benefit due to the more natural and efficient use of existing farmland.

Originally the whole district around Pingelly was covered in native Sandalwood trees. These valuable trees were felled and their fragrant wood exported to Asia where it is highly treasured, as part of a process of clearing the land for growing food crops such as wheat and barley.

Government policies at the time were that land could be obtained for farming but it had to be completely cleared. This meant that even areas that were rocky, hilly and otherwise unsuitable for growing crops had to be cleared too.

Over time, the effects of this have proved to be problematic. The lack of sufficient trees has caused a reduction in local rainfall, lowered the diversity of native flora and fauna and increased soil erosion and salinity.

Planting of Santalum spicatum as a sustainable crop can help counter these issues over time. All Sandalwood trees require host plants because the Sandalwood is parasitic by nature. Ideally this requirement should encourage the seed planting of a wide variety of native, local species of shrubs and trees. This aspect will encourage native wildlife to increase, recreating a greater biodiversity than exists at present.

Sandalwood can also be grown in farming areas unsuitable for broad acre cultivation. In many cases it can be grown where the crops have become commercially unviable. This makes better use of the land and the income gained from harvesting the Sandalwood can help support the farming community by supplementing the often dwindling and uncertain income being made from growing grains. It also offers the prospect of more employment opportunities for local people regarding the work involved in cultivation and harvesting.

The Sandalwood trees can be expected to begin returning on the investment at around 5 years for producing nuts and around 20 years for harvesting the oil. Although this is a fairly long time, the financial returns are very profitable. Another benefit is that which comes from the planting of trees, so helping create an environment for improving regular rainfall. This may result in returning to better weather patterns which existed before the land was originally cleared.

"Will Sandalwood plantations affect our food supply?"

This is a sustainable industry that does not require clearing virgin bush land in order to start plantations. It does not need to use existing fertile, productive farmland. Ideally it is able to be cultivated in harmony with the existing natural environment and to utilise land otherwise unviable for food production. Having said that, the Sandalwood tree produces bountiful, edible, nutritious nuts that may result in the crop that becoming a considerable and beneficial contribution to the Australian food industry.

The demand for good quality Australian products is high.

The main commercial areas of Australian Sandalwood's potential are the perfume, therapeutic and medical industries due to the many benefits it offers.

The world's perfume industry has traditionally been a major buyer of top grade Sandalwood oil, as is the therapeutic essential oil industry and the incense trade makes good uses of the lower grade of Sandalwood products.

New applications of Australian Sandalwood are being discovered continuously and the future developments offered by this exciting industry are positive, sustainable and beneficial.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Introducing Aromatherapy to Young Children

Aromatherapy is perfectly safe for children, although there are safety recommendations to follow (for both children and adults), and of course the amounts of essential oil used for a child will be less than for an adult. However only some of the oils available are suitable for children; others are not suitable. For example children with epilepsy should not come into contact with stimulating oils. Always research the oil you are considering using thoroughly before using and if still unsure, always ask advice. Aromatherapy can be of great benefit as it is a wonderful way of supporting your child's health, happiness and well-being as essential oils can be very therapeutic and nurturing to both your child and you.

Aromatherapy oils are used externally (on the outside of the body) in a bath or massage (carrier) oil, or through inhalation in a diffuser. The effects of aromatherapy on your child will generally fall into one of three main categories: helping in healing from minor illnesses and accidents; supporting your child's overall sense of well-being; or assisting your child in getting quality rest.

It is imperative that you find a reputable supplier of therapeutic-grade essential oils - cheap oils, synthetic copies of oils or fragrances are not appropriate. Essential oils should be kept in dark amber or blue glass containers, in a dark and cool location, out of the reach of children.

Essential oils should rarely be used undiluted on children's skin, unless indicated to do so for a specific condition. Lavender or Tea Tree can be used for cuts, bruises, bites and stings. If your child has very sensitive skin, it is important to test a small area before using a new single oil or blend. Keep products away from the eyes, and neat oils should not to be swallowed.

Sweet Almond oil is generally regarded as the safest and best overall carrier oil for use with babies and children, although if your child has a nut allergy an alternative carrier oil will have to be used instead.

A simple and safe way of introducing your child to aromatherapy is through traditional play-doughs that have been enriched with the correct amount of essential oils (aroma play doughs). The dough's come in a bucket type tub together with shape cutters, in 5 different varieties; brainy (focus), sleepy (relaxing), happy (uplifting), harmony (mood balancing) and sneezy (helps relieve cold symptoms). These are perfect for children three years of age and over, giving you and your child all the benefits of a creative activity together with the natural enhancements of aromatherapy. However you choose to introduce your child to aromatherapy it will help to teach your child about an important part of nature.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Benefits of Using Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy came from two words. The word aroma means fragrance or smell and therapy means treatment. It is thought that aromatherapy benefits include treatment and prevention of some diseases by using essential oils. Essential oils came from plants, flowers, leaves, bark or roots. These oils are typically mixed with other oils to create different recipes which suites different effects, and can be in the form of lotions, soaps, bath salts, soaks, perfumes and even candles.

There are three modes of aromatherapy application. First is aerial diffusion, which means environmental fragrance or simply using essential oils to fragrant the room. Second is direct inhalation, for respiratory disinfection and decongestion. Lastly is the topical application or using it as general massage, bath, or therapeutic skin care.

It is said that aromatherapy works by stimulating the smell receptors in the nose, which then sends impulses to the brain's limbic system, which is responsible in controlling emotions and memory. However, others say that Aromatherapy does not cure conditions, but helps the body to find a natural way to cure itself and improve immune response.

Some studies have shown that aromatherapy can relieve stress, depression, and anxiety. It also improves quality of life and promotes good sleep. Pregnant women use aromatherapy to normalize childbirth and to increase their satisfaction in their labor experiences.

Aromatherapy strengthens our body, increases blood circulation and even boosts the immune system. The essential oils can stimulate and calm our system. It is also widely used in baby baths. It purifies the atmosphere and helps teething problems, itchy skin, and sleep problems.

Rosemary and Lavender Aromatherapy are both associated with feelings of contentment. They promote good mood and also release calming and soothing effects. Peppermint aromatherapy can increase memory and alertness, which is perfect for stressed students and workaholics. Lavender oil is also great for headaches. You can apply some on your temples or to a warm bowl of water, then drape a towel over your head and inhale it for a few minutes.

Sinuses and colds can be cured by aromatic chemicals like eucalyptus and menthol. Using aromatic oils in massages are also helpful in physical pains such as body aches, sprains, muscle pains, and migraines. The oils are quickly absorbed by the skin, bringing recovery.

Aromatherapy is very beneficial in skin health. Essential oils are said to be anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti inflammatory. It also has healing properties. Jasmine, Lavender and Rose oils are helpful in fighting aging and moisturizes the skin. Olive oils and Tea Tree Oils are also good face-cleansers.

However, we should be careful in choosing essential oils to use in aromatherapy. Some essential oils are highly concentrated and can cause skin irritations. Some can't be used by pregnant and lactating women, while others can be toxic to domestic animals. It is still best to consult your doctor before doing an aromatherapy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Essential Oils and Its Uses

In ancient times, essential oils are very much respected because of its medicinal and healing properties. For many centuries, it was considered as a treasure of an empire, and was even mentioned in The Holy Bible for over 500 times. But what really is an Essential Oil?

Essential oils are aromatic liquids taken from flowers, trees, roots, bushes, herbs, barks and seeds. Known as the essence of the plant, pure essential oils not just protect the plant, but it carries its aroma as well. It is generally extracted by distillation. Contrary to the name itself, essential oils are not really "oily" in effect. Most of them are clear liquids, while some have light colors.

These oils are usually mixed by other substances to create perfumes, soaps, lotions, candles and even household cleaning products. They are also used as flavoring agents in food and beverages.

One of the famous uses of essential oils is in Aromatherapy. It is said that these oils are considered as alternative medicines and can even cure some illness. It can be used as aromatherapy massage or in vaporization. Below are some of the essential oils and their uses.

Lavender Oil- This is one of the most versatile oil and can be used in variety of problems. From nervous conditions to skin problems, this is an all-around essential oil. It also relieves muscle pains and even arthritis and rheumatism.

Tea-tree Oil- Tea tree oil is a powerful immune stimulant. It fights all kinds of infection and clears skin. It can treat influenza, colds, and gingivitis. A massage using tea tree oil can reduce post-operative shock, and is also effective in clearing bronchial
congestion, asthma and coughs. It can be used in diaper rash, burns, warts, wounds, and even dandruff.

Chamomile Oil- Chamomile oils have calming and soothing abilities, especially on the nervous and digestive system. It helps in regulating a menstrual cycle, and can be used to heal skin infections.

Eucalyptus Oil- Eucalyptus Oil is used in curing headaches, fevers, muscle pains and skin infections. It helps in concentration as well because of its refreshing and stimulating action in the mind.

Jasmine Oil- Jasmine Oil eases childbirth and is used in treating sexual problems. It is great in toning skin and in muscle pains.

Rosemary Oil- Effective for circulation problems, muscle pains and decongestion. It can reduce stress and mental fatigue, and boosts skin and hair.

Rosewood Oil- Known for its aphrodisiac properties, this oil is useful in sexual problems like impotence. It heals dry and oily skin helps in rejuvenating it. Rosewood oil has balancing effects in mind and body, which is good in de-stressing after a long day of work.

Since it is concentrated, essential oils should not be applied in their undiluted form for it may cause severe skin irritation and allergies. Pregnant women are also not recommended to use them because it can cause abnormal sensitivity and nausea. Consult your doctor first and ask them if what essential oil suites your needs most.